Sun's International Preschool
Regular Class
Registration Fee………… ¥100,000
Building Development….. ¥20,000
Class Year Four times Monthly
Full day Class 5 / week ¥1,005,000 ¥256,000 ¥95,000
4 / week ¥891,000 ¥227,000 ¥84,000
3 / week ¥751,000 ¥191,000 ¥71,000
☆ Registration fee is onetime payment and is not refundable.
☆ The Building Development Fee is charged as a full amount (¥20,000) and is not refundable.
☆ You may choose from any of the above 3 payment systems, once a year payment, four times a year or monthly.
☆ If you choose to pay monthly, please be aware that the due date is the last day of the month before.
☆ Should your child be absent from school for long period outside our regular holidays you still are required to pay the full monthly fee.
After-School Program
Enrollment Fee... ¥30,000
Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday Class
1 / week ¥13,800
2 / week ¥24,400
Wednesday/ Saturday Class
1 / week ¥15,900
2 / week ¥28,600
☆ Should your child be absent from school for long period outside our regular holidays you still are required to pay the full monthly fee.